�rVoL. v., No.
��m "
��Dec. 27. Antequera (five shocks), Archidona (nine shocks), Malaga. 28, 29. Torrox, Malaga.
30. Velez Malaga, Torrox (7 and 10 A.M.), provinces of Granada and Malaga. m. Ton-o-t, Granada, Jaen (CS-'t i'.m.), Malag.1.
��Jan. 1. Torrox, Granada (11.4.J p.m.), Malaga, Nerja (2, 6.45, 9 i-.m.), Algarrobo, Alhama, Anleqiicra, Valencia.
2. Valencia, Granada, Malaga, Velez
3. I^ja, AUmma, Jaen, Velez Malaga. h. Granada {(i cm., severe), Loja, Mo-
tril (fiftj- houses dest.roj-ed), Malaga. Jan. 7. Netja, Velez Malaga.
8. Ixija, Torrox,
9. Torrox.
10. Mal^a.
11. Malaga (biiiliUngs fell).
12. Gibraltar, Alhama, .\l-
garrobo. Kl. Torrox, Canillas. Al-
miiiieesr, Algarrolm. I«. Granada (10 p.m.), ( .,
nillas, Molril.
21. Mai^a, Loja, Vuh'/.
Malaga, Almuiiecar.
22. Periana. 27. Alhnnia (one person
killed) . Feb. 12. Alhama.
13. Torre del Campo, forty
miles north of Grana- da (serious damage to rin hospital).
14. Granada, Velez Malnga.
23. Granada (renewed shocks reported). March2. Granada, Loja, Alhama (houses fell).
The severe ahoi^k on Christmas night seems lo have licpn perceived in England, having
��been reported as felt at 10.20 r.M. in Wilu. and also having been recorded by small dis- Uirbances of the magnets in the Greenwich observatory at 0.15 p.m. ; the suspended mag- nets acting as pendulum seiam<^aphs.
While they maj- probablj' have no connec- tion with the Spanish earthquake, the follow- ing shocks, felt in other parts of Europe during the same jieriod. are wortli not- ing; viz.,—
Dec. 25. At Zemctz, EogadiM (at e.lTand llr.H.jj the former hour o resiJonding to I'.M.. Madrid tii)ae).i 27, 28. At Tar\'ia in Cariw
28. 7 A.M. at .Sundal a Oxendal, Norway.
29. In Wales. .Ian. 4. In Styria.
5. 3 A.M. at Chamber;,! Savoy; 5.50 a.m. at Embrun. Jan. 6. In Italy ot Susa, near Mont Cent* and at Velletri. 21. Between and 1 a.m. at Knnendo,
As bearing upon the possible conneclioi between seismic and atmospheric phenomena, it is remarked that an unusually high barometer prevailed over the Spanish peninsula during llie first lialfof December : while from Dec, 20
���lo 22 a heavy alonn area, alteuded by an uu usual atmospheric depression, was passing fro north to south over the same r^ion, reachiil| the Mediterranean on the 22d ; also that ■ Nerja a hurricane followed tlie first shoob
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