��(Vol. v., So. lOlV^
��of the Kiblc, und the inatUution tlui^ Ibtiiid has been taken as a type of that iliscoveicd in other parts of the world. Agnatii' descent ia one of the charat-loristica of patiiarchy, but it may exist tinder states of societj- where the patriarchy does not exist ; and to use the term
- patriarch}' ' as synonymous nith iignatioii
lairi bnt lead to confusion. Then, by analogy. he uses the term ' matriarehy ' to signify de- scent in the female line, and the confusion is still worse ; for, so far »s we know, the mother is never the ruler of the dan. where uterine descent is established. In some uij^es the ruler is the uncle. The etymology of the term ■patriarchy,' and customary use, alike imply chieftaincy. The terms ' agnatic; descent * and ' nteiine descent ' have no false implication, and pro[)erIy express the tacts.
��Tub Now-EngUnd nieleorologlcal society, 'if which brief menllon has been nnide In earlier num- ber!!, has now iulTaiiceil far enough to issue (or November the Grsl tiumber of Its monthly bulletin. This summarizes the re»ull» of thirty-six stations, luoBlly maiiiUlned by vojuntcor observers, comparing them with reconis of [irevious years in w tabular
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��SCALE '<>'• t, >__,_i;;:ii^ RAIN CIRCLES
��numerical slatcuiGnt, and presenting data coucerniiiR precipitation, and range of temperature, in a sketch- map, the soulheni halt of which is here reproduced. Measures of rain and melted snow ai'e represented by black circles, while iLo mean dally range of temper- alure is indicated by vertical Hues. Scales (or the reading of both are added in the margin. The small size of the map gives it tbo appsarHUce of being fairly
��well supplied nilh stations; but in reality ibeyi yet much [oo far apart to furnish satisfactory basis for studies of a detailed character. Even around Boston, where the greatest density of observation l« found, there is need of additional observers before the society should consider Its list of stations sufli- clently extended; and elscvhere in New England the showing now made must be iinnsidered only the beginulng of what shoidd be accomplished a year or two hence. The bulletin slates that all matters of observation should be addressed lo Professor Winslow Upton, Providence, R.l.
— The Itureau of navigation of the navy depart- ment reporls tlinl a hundred and (orty-Bve compasses with the four-needle canl have been Issued to ships during the past year, and that they have given general satisfaction, the behavior of the improved compaiseB used by the Greely relief expedition In high latitude* being especially commended. This expedition gath- ered considerable data cuncernlug the variation of thft compass in high latitudes; but, owing to lis speedy return, none were obtained concemiug the magnetic force and dip. The data concerning compass varia- tions, collected by the department during the past year. are In course of preparation for publication. Profes- sional paper No. 17, entitled the ' Magnetism of iron and steei sh^,' isln]ii-ess; and Ko. IS. on 'Devia- tions of the compass iiilj. S. naval vessels,' is nearly ready. Preparations Imve been made for a careful examination of the magnetic character if the new steel vessels, and a compass Maliun is to be estab- lished in Narragansett Bay. The Instruments for n compass testing-house are now in the possession of the bureau, and a building will be erected when the appropriation is made. In view of the probable necessity of compensating the compasses of these new vessels, a binnacle has been designed in the bureau for this purpose, and It will be placed in the Dolphin to be tested.
— Old residents of the Catifoiuia punin^ula have noticed several varieties of birds near llio Heacoast that they have never before known to leave the moim- ralns. This is supposed lo indicate a severe winter, but the migration is more probably dne to the pre- railing scarcity of all khids of seeds in the mountains this season.
— A complete outHl, consisting of Mangiu's pro- jectors, Gramme dynamos, Brotherhood engines and accessories, has been ordered for each of the new U. S. cruisers for use as search- lights. The dynamos and motors are to lie tnniinled on one bed-plate, Ihe •engines beiug ccnnecied, directly. The projectors will be furnished by Suuller, Lemonnler. & Co., Paris, and ihc engines by Peter Brotherhood of Lon-
— The University of Penniylvatiia has rented one of the tables at Oohm's zoiilogical station, so thai the United States is again represented al the Naples laboratory.
— Under the title ' Micro-palaeophylologia fonna- tionis carbon if erae,' Dr. V. K. lleinsch of Erlansen
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