��Oholin buKUua. tS, IB, ill. iH: comnili- •ton, rHuluor,e3;c»nrenn«1n Berlin, 4Si; upldnnlc In Puii nnd Tport, ill.
pravlilDnfor, ZM; n«nt IdtbiiI^Uoiu
OboppLnj|4tonei, 144.
OholU, noDdlBB, 2S3.
Clrsudo, p«rli>dlcil. SIS; pienuturo up-
��luiii. «30 ; of 1S81 nt Mgolrail, B' -oet. of. «S. BrIUib rowU BmehlopodK. Wtt:
Bkooki, W. K. Lir«, 4M. Broolii, W. R., on I1&, 38G.
Cn>akr[llc aocliily of nmlnral tiliU BnowK, AlUui D. TbB nnvsl <
��ilorlnf expedition from,
��nirg- ClnolnnnU gronp, dffl- Id, III. Ml; Bocli
��BnllsrOlei. dark, 261
C!. B.^. Real am 0.. X. The decudei Cain's BfiDbnili
��ilEBbn, rovlswed, T
��C*UIb[BlH, loemU In, ««.
CunptHll and Oarnftl'* Ufa of Jan
Clerk MMwell, roirlewed, 317. Canada, phllo logical gxpwIIUoa la, lis. Candolla.dc,pHi!e,'iia: Cindallo'* (du) Ulttory of Uia Klenc
Capo Hatloraa porpolae flihsry, 424. Caribbean, ba.fn o?, cAort, 80. Carnegie, A., on nalural guflul, 4M. CarBoyiCellnlarbloloey, — '— -' "' CaroUne Uland eallpic e
JTl. CarpmHl, C, oi CanrtdM, na*,
- SB, T. H. Ol
��I, ill.
��a of Inlegiali, t^.
C*SI, f.'S. darnlToroui bablu of the
Catarrhal alTeclloni ai cauie of pblhlria,
4U. Cancuiu, eiplDratlon of, A2.
Cell.' rd(< of. In UvlDg arnDiimi, 318.
Cellular biology, 306.318,
Celluloae. dlgeiUbllUy of, 11; naUlUn
nine of, 3M. Cennii of hallnclnatlaai. U: ol pUnU,
fill: lentb UnllBd SUUi, vola. Ii. and
I., <1: vol. I. revlowed, !3». Centrifugal force, effect of, at nortb pole,
CetolWi mlUUry, 1.
Cballenger, eiplorlug yoyago of, rol. 1.,
��of Wlieonalo, i<
��Ed Hard. Tbe i
��■ of ee
��'eit-book of loSlagy, rrTlcwed,
��Claina. gla Claua'aTe
Clerenser'* CoDiparaUTe psyoEalogy, rerlewed, : Cllmatcof Afriea, 630: of Florida. 481.
��Cold, a Cold-w Colemi
��m Uting (
��endrlck o
��•etgt. proi
��Col Hall
ColonI: ,
Colorado rocki. RwlDClnla in, ill. 313.
aST. que.
��U of 1884. S
��new, 343.
ComrDemlal ado'nee', m.
Compauei, Improreil. 18. Oornjioalts pbDIognpbii Ul. SIB
Cornpoaita photograpby , 3TS ; pi
COXSTOOK, J. II. A new n arranging entomolagdcal o
ill. lea.
CoMaTOTK, T. B. ThBYcUowa
��Com I OB'S Unln^ibauit
��tial Alia, Bia^, 303; i
lo oentral Aila, niap. 3w. Cbaae'a Klemenla of rnelcorology, ». Cbenliial laboralory of Jotana Hapklna
onlverslly, 11. It: lelegnpb, 3S. Cbemlltry. klnJorganmi lyitani of, 3T!>;
mannoiaf, 139; prlnclpfea of, 180; of
IbetMiM; leil-bwkaon, SSI. ChenlaU, warolDg la. 191. Chicago aui™ of Jnne 1, 4TB. Chlni group of California, 43. Cblldnn. trade In, SB3. China, eiplonHona In, 491 : faclorlM of.
��light, 804. Croiun aqneduFt, 407.
Cf prcH, UonteiBy, 433.
��1)., W. U. Tbe meteorologlcti oba lorv on Bine Hill, iU. MO.
Dahl, P.,ODaplder>, 164.
D*LL, W.H. Tbe earlhiiaahe oT Jan. 1 IMS. SB; fURfaer not« on Bstnaloff laland, ill. S3; John Owyn Jttlrj*, 145; a noDQgnpb of Brillafa foeal! Bracblopoda, reviewed. 40g ; Kailaillacli PrshliUirlc Aiaerica, IDS.
Davidaou'B BrlUtb foull Braohlopoda, n.
��■IB, W
��and Davi
��The riMldiah-bKiiTD ring
irtbqnakH roioniiaaion, 1M.
O.'u. TheSaakatchewaD'cooD. p, MO. See alao Setwyn and
Sir W. A modern type of plaol
��Rocky-UoUDlBJD recoil
Deaf variety of human nc
Deafoiole, edncallon of, 2 Death-rate among YalF.cal
��rllego gradna U&M4.M
��Death!, recent, 19,
473, tax.
Dnnebolea, Ul. 113.
Denlker'a Mndy of tha Kalmuoka, II
Deniion-B ctlmalle charta, 143.
" imark.prOiTI'caaor, 4t2. laity Df earth, mctboil of i
��Denalty ol ■Btlatry, preblalorle, M*.
In MonUna, 34».
Bnull, nat; the Braall. map. 1T3.
��^oJ-e'rXI, « ^■H.^i. e. Coal Id if Calllbmla, 43; dl
��Connecticut leglaUtureand aundant time.
mortallly experience, Bit; ayiter. Oahery. 334.
ContDgloua dlacatei, 174.
Cook, a. J. BmIi-Ioum lecrclloo, 7S.
Cope, B. D.. on pbylogeny of placental mamRialla. 3M l prelerllary vartehratea of Brazil. 3M; Tertiary VinebTata. re.
��Dlicovery^riiea for, 1C
UlaeaHi. conugloua. IT DIalDfectut, cblorlna u Diaaectlon, text-book uf, . Do[j.bt,C.B. PmemUonofJcllii.Bi at the Naplei i,yii'<-H~ii ^^IL^ '». "-■ibln,i>oltle.nr
ns, D. The eold weather of Feb rand Uaroh. 308; Uie ■an-lfarrnioi
��Earth, meaaartng denaily of. 31 menlof cninof, 814; pbyaloa^
Eanbauakc lo the AlUnlle, Ml; • 3, 1883, 44, 81. map, 1»: aim IM; la BngUnd, Jan.l3,3as: fti 3M; predlcUona, 183; Id Bpaloi. U ill. m ; of Dec. », 303; •abr—
��map of Arvoqe m; wanilnr.
■ciety of a
��n September, IBSA, SH: <
��■r Zealuid tor, Itf; t guBi. I no, III&. Economy of fhel, 14. X Kdiioatlon. plac Eggi, aniflelall;
Egyptian anllqullie*, Wi'tfstTei
��« of hyglen.
�� �