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Page:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 3 (1843).djvu/735

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knowledge, various collateral influences, besides the main and primary object attained.

To return to the executive faculties of this engine: the question must arise in every mind, are they really even able to follow analysis in its whole extent? No reply, entirely satisfactory to all minds, can be given to this query, excepting the actual existence of the engine, and actual experience of its practical results. We will however sum up for each reader's consideration the chief elements with which the engine works:—

  1. It performs the four operations of simple arithmetic upon any numbers whatever.
  2. By means of certain artifices and arrangements (upon which we cannot enter within the restricted space which such a publication as the present may admit of), there is no limit either to the magnitude of the numbers used, or to the number of quantities (either variables or constants) that may be employed.
  3. It can combine these numbers and these quantities either algebraically or arithmetically, in relations unlimited as to variety, extent, or complexity.
  4. It uses algebraic signs according to their proper laws, and developes the logical consequences of these laws.
  5. It can arbitrarily substitute any formula for any other; effacing the first from the columns on which it is represented, and making the second appear in its stead.
  6. It can provide for singular values. Its power of doing this is referred to in M. Menabrea's memoir, page 685, where he mentions the passage of values through zero and infinity. The practicability of causing it arbitrarily to change its processes at any moment, on the occurrence of any specified contingency (of which its substitution of for explained in Note E., is in some degree an illustration), at once secures this point.

The subject of integration and of differentiation demands some notice. The engine can effect these processes in either of two ways:—

First. We may order it, by means of the Operation and of the Variable-cards, to go through the various steps by which the required limit can be worked out for whatever function is under consideration.

Secondly. It may (if we know the form of the limit for the function in question) effect the integration or differentiation by direct[1] substitu-

  1. The engine cannot of course compute limits for perfectly simple and uncompounded functions, except in this manner. It is obvious that it has no power of representing or of manipulating with any but finite increments or decrements; and consequently that wherever the computation of limits (or of any other functions) depends upon the direct introduction of quantities which either increase or decrease indefinitely, we are absolutely beyond the sphere of its powers. Its nature and arrangements are remarkably adapted for taking into account all finite increments or decrements (however small or large), and for developing the true and logical modifications of form or value dependent upon differences of this nature. The engine may indeed be considered as including the whole Calculus of Finite Differences; many of whose theorems would be especially and beautifully fitted for development by its processes, and would offer peculiarly interesting considerations. We may mention, as an example, the calculation of the Numbers of Bernoulli by means of the Differences of Nothing.