Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/126

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From this we may conclude that when a system has a uniform temperature throughout, the additional conditions which are necessary and sufficient for equilibrium may be expressed by

[1] (111)

When it is not possible to bring the system from one to the other of the states to which and relate by a reversible process without altering the temperature, it will be observed that it is not necessary for the validity of (107)-(109) that the temperature of the system should remain constant during the reversible process to which and relate, provided that the only source of heat or cold used has the same temperature as the system in its initial or final state. Any external bodies may be used in the process in any way not affecting the condition of reversibility, if restored to their original condition at the close of the process; nor does the limitation in regard to the use of heat apply to such heat as may be restored to the source from which it has been taken.

It may be interesting to show directly the equivalence of the conditions (111) and (2) when applied to a system of which the temperature in the given state is uniform throughout.

If there are any variations in the state of such a system which do not satisfy (2), then for these variations

If the temperature of the system in its varied state is not uniform, we may evidently increase its entropy without altering its energy by supposing heat to pass from the warmer to the cooler parts. And the state having the greatest entropy for the energy will necessarily be a state of uniform temperature. For this state (regarded as a variation from the original state)

Hence, as we may diminish both the energy and the entropy by

  1. This general condition of equilibrium might be used instead of (2) in such problems of equilibrium as we have considered and others which we shall consider hereafter with evident advantage in respect to the brevity of the formulæ, as the limitation expressed by the subscript in (111) applies to every part of the system taken separately, and diminishes by one the number of independent variations in the state of these parts which we have to consider. The more cumbersome course adopted in this paper has been chosen, among other reasons, for the sake of deducing all the particular conditions of equilibrium from one general condition, and of having the quantities mentioned in this general condition such as are most generally used and most simply defined; and because in the longer formulae as given, the reader will easily see in each case the form which they would take if we should adopt (111) as the general condition of equilibrium, which would be in effect to take the thermal condition of equilibrium for granted, and to seek only the remaining conditions. For example, in the problem treated on pages 63 ff., we would obtain from (111) by (88) a condition precisely like (15), except that the terms , , etc., would be wanting.