Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/157

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measured toward the top of the page from toward the left from and toward the right from It is supposed that Portions of the curves to which these points belong are seen in the figure, and will be denoted by the symbols We may, for convenience, speak of these as separate curves, without implying anything in regard to their possible continuity in parts of the diagram remote from their common tangent . The line of dissipated energy includes the straight line and portions of the primitive curves and . Let us first consider how the diagram will be altered, if the temperature is varied while the pressure remains constant. If the temperature receives the increment , an ordinate of which the position is fixed will receive the increment or (The reader will easily convince himself that this is true of the ordinates for the secondary line , as well as of the ordinates for the primitive curves.) Now if we denote by the entropy of the phase represented by the point considered as belonging to the curve , and by the entropy of the composite state of the same matter represented by the point considered as belonging to the tangent to the curves and , will denote the heat yielded by a unit of matter in passing from the first to the second of these states. If this quantity is positive, an elevation of temperature will evidently cause a part of the curve to protrude below the tangent to and , which will no longer form a part of the line of dissipated energy. This line will then include portions of the three curves and and of the tangents to and and to and . On the other hand, a lowering of the temperature will cause the curve to lie entirely above the tangent to and , so that all the phases of the sort represented by will be unstable. If is negative, these effects will be produced by the opposite changes of temperature.

The effect of a change of pressure while the temperature remains constant may be found in a manner entirely analogous. The variation of any ordinate will be or . Therefore, if the volume of the homogeneous phase represented by the point is greater than the volume of the same matter divided between the phases represented by and , an increase of pressure will give a diagram indicating that all phases of the sort represented by curve