Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/161

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tangent plane with the primitive surface may be at isolated points or curves belonging to the latter. So also, in the case of two component substances, the points of contact of the triple tangent line may be at isolated points belonging to the primitive curve. Such cases need not be separately treated, as the necessary modifications in the preceding statements, when applied to such cases, are quite evident. And in the remaining discussion of this geometrical method, it will generally be left to the reader to make the necessary limitations or modifications in analogous cases.

The necessary condition in regard to simultaneous variations of temperature and pressure, in order that four coexistent phases of three components, or three coexistent phases of two components, shall remain possible, has already been deduced by purely analytical processes. (See equation (129).)

We will next consider the case of two coexistent phases of identical composition, and first, when the number of components is two. The coexistent phases, if each is variable in composition, will be represented by the point of contact of two curves. One of the curves will in general lie above the other except at the point of contact; therefore, when the temperature and pressure remain constant, one phase cannot be varied in composition without becoming unstable, while the other phase will be stable if the proportion of either component is increased. By varying the temperature or pressure, we may cause the upper curve to protrude below the other, or to rise (relatively) entirely above it. (By comparing the volumes or the entropies of the two coexistent phases, we may easily determine which result would be produced by an increase of temperature or of pressure.) Hence, the temperatures and pressures for which two coexistent phases have the same composition form the limit to the temperatures and pressures for which such coexistent phases are possible. It will be observed that as we pass

this limit of temperature and pressure, the pair of coexistent phases does not simply become unstable, like pairs and triads of coexistent phases which we have considered before, but there ceases to be any such pair of coexistent phases. The same result has already been obtained analytically on page 99. But on that side of the limit on which the coexistent phases are possible, there will be two pairs of coexistent phases for the same values of and , as seen in figure 6. If the curve represents vapor, and the curve liquid, a liquid (represented by) may exist in contact with a vapor , and (at the same temperature and pressure) a liquid in contact with a vapor . If we compare