Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/212

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2pressure may by (263) be expressed by the formula , the relative density of a binary gas-mixture may be expressed by

Now by (263) (327)

By giving to and successively the value zero in these equations, we obtain


where and denote the values of when the gas consists wholly of one or of the other component. If we assume that

we shall have (330)

From (326) we have and from (327), by (328) and (330),

whence (331)

By (327), (331), and (332) we obtain from (320)


This formula will be more convenient for purposes of calculation if we introduce common logarithms (denoted by ) instead of hyperbolic, the temperature of the ordinary centigrade scale instead of the absolute temperature , and the pressure in atmospheres instead of the pressure in a rational system of units. If we also add the logarithm of to both sides of the equation, we obtain


where and denote constants, the values of which are closely connected with those of and .

From the molecular formulæ of peroxide of nitrogen NO2 and N2O4, we may calculate the relative densities

and (335)