Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/238

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the co-ordinates of the same points in the second state of reference, we shall have necessarily

etc. (nine equations), (412)

and if we write for the volume of an element in the state divided by its volume in the state we shall have


If, then, we have ascertained by experiment the value of in terms of and the quantities which express the composition of the body, by the substitution of the values given in (412)–(414), we shall obtain terms of and the quantities which express the composition of the body.

We may apply this to the elements of a body which may be variable from point to point in composition and state of strain in a given state of reference , and if the body is fully described in that state of reference, both in respect to its composition and to the displacement which it would be necessary to give to a homogeneous solid of the same composition, for which is known in terms of and the quantities which express its composition, to bring it from the state of reference into a similar and similarly situated state of strain with that of the element of the non-homogeneous body, we may evidently regard as known for each element of the body, that is, as known in terms of We shall then have in terms of ; and since the composition of the body is known in terms of , and the density, if not given directly, can be determined from the density of the homogeneous body in its state of reference , this is sufficient for determining the equilibrium of any given state of the non-homogeneous solid.

An equation, therefore, which expresses for any kind of solid, and with reference to any determined state of reference, the relation