Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/334

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is therefore sufficient to consider the stability of these lines and surfaces. We shall suppose that the relations mentioned are satisfied.

If we denote by the work gained in forming the mass (of such size and form as to be in equilibrium) in place of the portions of the other masses which are suppressed, and by the work expended in forming the new surfaces in place of the old, it may easily be shown by a method similar to that used on page 292 that


also, that when the volume is small, the equilibrium of will be stable or unstable according as and are negative or positive.

A critical relation for the tensions is that which makes equilibrium possible for the system of the five masses , when all the surfaces are plane. The ten tensions may then be represented in magnitude and direction by the ten distances of five points in space , viz., the tension of and the direction of its normal by the line , etc. The point will lie within the tetrahedron formed by the other points. If we write for the volume of , and for the volumes of the parts of the other masses which are suppressed to make room for , we have evidently


Hence, when all the surfaces are plane, , and . Now equilibrium is always possible for a given small value of with any given values of the tensions and of . When the tensions satisfy the critical relation, , if . But when is small and constant, the value of must be independent of , since the angles of the surfaces are determined by the tensions and their curvatures may be neglected. Hence, , and , when the critical relation is satisfied and small. This gives


In calculating the ratios of , we may suppose all the surfaces to be plane. Then will have the form of a tetrahedron, the vertices of which may be called (each vertex being named after the mass which is not found there), and , will be the volumes of the tetrahedra into which it may be divided by planes passing through its edges and an interior point . The volumes of these tetrahedra are proportional to those of the five tetrahedra of the figure , as will easily appear if we recollect that the line is common to the surfaces , and therefore perpendicular to the surface common to the lines , i.e. to the surface , and so in other cases (it will be observed that , and are the letters which do not correspond to or ); also