Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/418

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heat of peroxide of nitrogen at constant pressure is about eighteen times that of the same volume of air.[1]

But the greater amount of heat which is required to bring the vapor to the desired temperature is only one factor in the increased liability to error in cases of this kind. The expansion of peroxide of nitrogen for increase of temperature under constant pressure at 40° is 3.42 times that of air. If, then, in a determination of density, the vapor fails to reach the temperature of the bath, the error due to the difference of the temperature of the vapor and the bath, will be 3.42 times as great as would be caused by the same difference of temperatures in the case of any vapor or gas having a constant density. When we consider that we are liable not only to the same, but to a much greater difference of temperatures in a case like that of peroxide of nitrogen, when the exposure to the heat is of the same duration, it is evident that the common test of the exactness of a process for the determination of vapor-densities, by applying it to a case in which the density is nearly constant, is entirely insufficient.

That the experiments of the IIId series of Deville and Troost give numbers so regular and so much lower than the other experiments is probably to be attributed in part to the length of time of exposure to the heat of the experiment, which was half an hour in this series, for the other series, the time is not given.

Another point should be considered in this connection. During the heating of the vapor in the bath, it is not immaterial whether the flask is open or closed. This will appear, if we compare the values of and the differential coefficients of the density with respect to the temperature on the suppositions, respectively, of constant pressure, and of constant volume. For 40°, we have

the first number being obtained immediately from equation (10) by differentiation, and the second by differentiation after substitution of for . The ratio of these numbers evidently gives the proportion in which the chemical change takes place under the two suppositions. This shows that only about six-sevenths of the heat required for the chemical change can be supplied before opening the flask, and the remainder of this heat as well as that required for expansion must be supplied after the opening. The errors due

  1. Similar calculations from less precise data for the bromhydrate of amylene at 225° seem to indicate a specific heat as much as forty times as great as that of the same volume of air.