Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 1.djvu/223

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major axis, on both poles of the nucleus-axis, two large oil-globules, half as large as the nucleus. Calymma ellipsoidal, with numerous xanthellæ; its diameter four times as large as that of the capsule.

Dimensions.—Major axis of the capsule 0.2, minor 0.12; major axis of the nucleus 0.07, minor 0.04; major axis of the calymma 0.8, minor 0.5.

Habitat.—Mediterranean, Corfu, 1877, Haeckel, surface.

Subgenus 3. Actidiscus, Haeckel, 1882.

Definition.—Central capsule lenticular, with one shortened axis.

7. Actissa discoides, n. sp.

Actidiscus discoides, Haeckel, 1882, Manuscript.

Central capsule lenticular, red-coloured, about twice as broad as high, with a thick, double-edged membrane. Nucleus spherical, one-third as broad as the capsule, with one single, large central nucleolus. Protoplasm dusky, filled with scarlet pigment; granules and small oil-globules between them. Calymma lenticular, three times as broad as the capsule.

Dimensions.—Major axis of the capsule 0.16, minor 0.08; diameter of the nucleus 0.05; breadth of the calymma 0.5.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Station 236, surface.

8. Actissa lenticularis, n. sp.

Central capsule lenticular, flattened, about three times as broad as high, with a thin, simple-edged membrane. Nucleus lenticular, one-third as large as the capsule, with ten small dark nucleoli. Protoplasm transparent, colourless, filled with small vacuoles at regular distances; on the inside of the membrane in the circular periphery of the lens twenty dark oil-globules. Calymma lenticular, twice as broad as the capsule.

Dimensions.—Major axis of the capsule 0.15, minor 0.05; breadth of the nucleus 0.05, height 0.02; breadth of the calymma 0.03.

Habitat.—East Pacific, Station 272, surface.

9. Actissa phacoides, n. sp.

Actidiscus phacoides, Haeckel, 1882, Manuscript.

Central capsule lenticular, strongly flattened, about four times as broad as high, with a thin, simple-edged membrane. Nucleus lenticular, one-fourth as broad as the capsule, with numerous (twenty or more) small nucleoli. Protoplasm filled with dark pigment-granules; on the inside of the membrane in the circular periphery of the lens thirty-two dark oil-globules. Calymma lenticular, three times as broad as the capsule.