Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/130

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Genus 433. Lithotympanum,[1] Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus, p. 447.

Definition.Tympanida with two latticed horizontal rings, connected by numerous parallel and vertical columellæ; mitral and basal rings of equal size.

The genus Lithotympanum has the form of a cylindrical drum, the two fundamental faces of which (the mitral and basal gates) are closed by lattice-work. Both horizontal rings are equal, whilst in the preceding Paratympanum the basal gate is larger than the mitral. It may be derived from the latter by equalisation of these two rings, or directly from Dystympanium by fenestration of the basal ring.

1. Lithotympanum tuberosum, n. sp. (Pl. 83, fig. 1).

Both lattice-plates slightly convex; the mitral plate with six larger marginal pores and one central pore separated by numerous smaller pores; the basal plate with seven large pores only (one central and six peripheral). Surface and margin of the plates uneven, with roundish prominent dimpled tubercles. Both rings connected by ten to twelve simple cylindrical vertical columellæ.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell 0.13, breadth 0.1.

Habitat.—Western Tropical Pacific, Station 225, depth 4475 fathoms.

2. Lithotympanum spinosum, n. sp.

Both lattice-plates flat, with numerous irregular roundish pores of variable size. Surface thorny. Margin with numerous irregular spines, directed upwards on the mitral, downwards on the basal plate. Both rings connected by eight simple cylindrical vertical columellæ.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell 0.12, breadth 0.08.

Habitat.—Western Tropical Pacific, Station 224, depth 1850 fathoms.

Subfamily 3. Dystympanida, Haeckel.

Definition.Tympanida with fenestrated mitral ring and simple open basal ring; both horizontal rings connected by numerous vertical or divergent columellæ.

Genus 434. Dystympanium,[2] n. gen.

Definition.Tympanida with two horizontal rings, connected by numerous (six to eight or more) divergent columellæ. The upper mitral ring is smaller and latticed, the lower basal ring larger and open.

  1. Lithotympanum = Drum of silex; λίθος, τύμπανον.
  2. Dystympanium = Hideous drum; δύς, τυμπάνιον.