Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/322

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with much larger irregular roundish pores and three prominent ribs, which are prolonged into three stout, club-shaped, strongly divergent feet of the same length. Mouth widely open, elegantly coronate, with a circle of numerous small cilia.

Dimensions.—Cephalis 0.02 long, 0.03 broad; thorax 0.06 long, 0.08 broad.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 272, depth 2600 fathoms.

11. Dictyophimus arabicus, Haeckel.

Lychnocanium arabicum, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 296, Taf. x. fig. 3.

Shell smooth, three-sided pyramidal, with deep collar stricture. Relative length of the two joints = 1 : 3, breadth = 1 : 4. Cephalis subspherical, with a slender horn of the same length. Thorax with much larger, irregular roundish pores, and three widely divergent ribs, which are prolonged into three slender, somewhat recurved feet of about the same length.

Dimensions.—Cephalis 0.02 long, 0.02 broad; thorax 0.07 long, 0.09 broad.

Habitat.—Indian Ocean, Zanzibar (Pullen), depth 2200 fathoms.

12. Dictyophimus platycephalus, n. sp. (Pl. 60, figs. 4, 5).

Shell smooth, flat, three-sided pyramidal, with distinct collar stricture. Relative length of the two joints = 1 : 3, breadth = 3 : 9. Cephalis flat, cap-shaped, three times as broad as long, with a slender conical horn of the same length. Thorax flatly vaulted, with much larger, irregular roundish, double-edged pores, and three widely divergent ribs, which are prolonged into three slender conical feet of the same length. Central capsule in the cephalis flat, discoidal, with a discoidal nucleus of half the size, and with four large pear-shaped cæcal sacs depending into the thorax, each of which contains a large oil globule (fig. 4).

Dimensions.—Cephalis 0.02 long, 0.07 broad; thorax 0.06 long, 0.18 broad.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Canary Islands (Lanzerote), Haeckel, surface.

13. Dictyophimus brandtii, n. sp. (Pl. 60, fig. 6).

Shell smooth, flat, three-sided pyramidal, with deep collar stricture, very similar to the preceding species. Relative length of the two joints = 1 : 3, breadth = 2 : 7. Cephalis hemispherical, with a slender conical horn of twice the length. Thorax flatly vaulted, with irregular polygonal pores and thin bars; and with three widely divergent ribs, which are prolonged into three slender prismatic feet of thrice the length. In fig. 6 the shell is seen from the base and exhibits very distinctly the collar septum with its four large meshes, two minor jugular and two major cardinal pores.

Dimensions.—Cephalis 0.03 long, 0.07 broad; thorax 0.08 long, 0.2 broad.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Station 236, surface.