Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/76

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6. Cortina cervina, n. sp. (Pl. 92, fig. 21).

Ring ovate, with four pairs of forked horizontal spines (two dorsal and two ventral pairs). Apical horn straight and stout, as long as the ring, with trifid point. Three feet equal, widely divergent, very large, branched like a deer's antler, with very numerous short and stout, curved and pointed branches. All rods and branches roundish, without edges.

Dimensions.—Height of the ring 0.1, breadth 0.07; length of the feet 0.12 to 0.16.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 265, depth 2900 fathoms.

Genus 406. Stephanium,[1] n. gen.

Definition.Stephanida with a simple dipleuric or bilateral ring, bearing at the base four divergent feet (two sagittal and two lateral feet).

The genus Stephanium differs from the preceding nearly allied Cortina in the production of four basal feet; the new foot, missing in the latter, is the anterior or sternal foot. Therefore Stephanium may be regarded as the archetype of all those Nassellaria in which, on the base of the sagittal ring, there are developed four typical feet—two sagittal feet (the posterior caudal and anterior sternal foot) and two lateral feet (right and left). On the origin of Stephanium compare above, p. 893, &c.

1. Stephanium quadrupes, n. sp. (Pl. 92, fig. 20).

Ring ovate, with three prominent dentate edges and a short pyramidal apical horn. Four feet all of nearly equal size, about as long as the ring, also with three thorny edges, in the upper half divergent, in the lower convergent.

Dimensions.—Height of the ring 0.12, breadth 0.08; length of the feet 0.11 to 0.13.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 266, depth 2750 fathoms.

2. Stephanium tetrapus, n. sp.

Ring elliptical, without edges, thorny, with a stout, thorny apical horn of the same length. Four feet curved and irregularly branched, divergent, of different size. The two sagittal feet (the anterior sternal and posterior caudal) about as long as the ring. The two lateral feet (right and left) nearly twice as long, more richly branched.

Dimensions.—Height of the ring 0.16, breadth 0.11; length of the feet 0.15 to 0.3.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 272, depth 2600 fathoms. Fossil in Barbados.

  1. Stephanium = Small crown or garland; στεφάνιον.