Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/867

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silica here completely separates the cavities of the valve and of the rhinocanna resting upon it.

The "frenula or nasal suspensoria" (Pl. 127, figs. 4-9b) are thin ligaments of silica, which connect the nasal mouth (m) with the base of the main tubes arising from the galea; they are, therefore, also common to all Cœlographida, and an exclusive and marked attribute of this family. They are, however, different in the two subfamilies of this group, corresponding to the different origin of the odd or paired main tubes. In the Cœloplegmida (Pls. 126-128) from the apex of each galea arises an odd main style, the nasal style (g 1), and its base is connected with the nasal mouth by an odd frenulum (b). In the Cœlotholida however (Pl. 122) the large nasal odd style is always wanting, and there arise two paired frontal tubes from the two corners of the truncate frontal face of the galea; therefore two paired frenula are developed (a right and a left), and these, converging towards the nasal mouth, connect its distal corner with the base of the two frontal tubes.

The odd frenulum of each valve of the Cœloplegmida lies therefore in the sagittal plane, whilst the two paired frenula of the Cœlotholida lie on both sides of it, to the right and left. The frenula seem to be supporting columellæ or pillars, which support the fragile skeleton, and mainly effect a fixed prop for the fragile galea. In the Cœlotholida the frenula are often rather broad and irregularly fenestrated lamellæ of silica (Pl. 122, fig. 2), whilst in the Cœloplegmida they are usually thin ligaments, fenestrated only at the broadened ends, which are inserted inside on the distal apex of the nasal mouth, and outside on the base of the nasal main styles.

The large hollow tubes which arise from the galea of all Cœlographida, are very variable in number, size and shape, but are always richly branched and symmetrically arranged in the dorsal and the ventral valve of the shell. They exhibit an important difference in the two subfamilies of the group; in the Cœlotholida all the branches, and also the thin terminal ramules, are free, without any junction; in the Cœloplegmida, however, they communicate by frequent anastomoses, and the connected terminal ramules form on the surface of the calymma an outer lattice-mantle of very delicate network. Another marked difference between the two families is indicated by the origin and site of those main tubes which are connected with the rhinocanna by a frenulum. In the Cœloplegmida an odd, very large main tube (the nasal style) arises from the anterior apex of each galea and bears on its base an odd frenulum. This nasal style and its frenulum is altogether wanting in the Cœlotholida, where two paired main tubes (the frontal tubes) arise from the lateral corners of the truncate anterior side of the galea, and are connected with the mouth of the rhinocanna by two paired convergent lateral frenula.

We distinguish in all Cœlographida two different forms of hollow branched tubes, which we will call "brushes" and "styles." The brushes are dichotomously branched from the base, not verticillate; their distal ramules remain separate in the Cœlotholida