Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/885

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I. List of Twenty-two Deep-Sea Radiolarians from the Banda Sea.

P. Harting (L. N. 18) published in 1863 the description of 14 Spumellaria and 8 Nassellaria, taken in depths between 900 and 4000 fathoms, in the Banda Sea. The figures of them are, however, for the most part not complete enough. The names are the following:—

I. Spumellaria.

01. Haliomma nitidum, figs. 13, 14 = Heliodiscus?
02. Haliomma gracile, fig. 15 = Acanthosphæra?
03. Haliomma lens, fig. 16 = Stylodiscus?
04. Haliomma pyriforme, fig. 17 = Cenellipsis?
05. Haliomma scutum, fig. 18 = Botryocella?
06. Haliomma polyacanthum, fig. 40 = Druppocarpus?
07. Haliomma inerme, fig. 41 = Thecosphæra?
08. Haliomma oblongum, fig. 42 = Druppula?
09. Haliomma amphiaspis, fig. 43 = Monozonium?
10. Tetrapyle polyacantha, fig. 44 = Larcarium?
11. Flustrella cyclica, fig. 19 = Porodiscus.
12. Flustrella micromma, fig. 47 = Porodiscus.
13. Rhopalastrum bandaicum, fig. 45 = Dictyastrum.
14. Lithocyclia reticulata, fig. 20 = Spongodiscus?

II. Nassellaria.

15. Lithocircus annulus, fig. 50 = Lithocircus.
16. Acanthodesmia arcuata, fig. 25 = Zygostephanus.
17. Acanthodesmia inermis, fig. 26 = Dictyospyris?
18. Cladospyris moluccana, fig. 48 = Cyphonium?
19. Podocyrtis brevipes, fig. 24 = Podocyrtis.
20. Podocyrtis micracantha, fig. 49 = Podocampe?
21. Lithocampe corbula, fig. 21 = Lithomitra.
22. Lithocampe sinuosa, fig. 22 = Lithocampe?