Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/888

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The Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger.

Page 763, line 8 from top, add "Pl. 132, fig. 11." Page 784, line 16 from top, for "vi." read "xvi." Page 802, line 14 from bottom, after "11a* insert "11c." Page 839, line 13 from top, for "95" read "135." Page 841, line 8 from foot, after "figs." insert " 2." Page 842, line 13 from top, add "Haliomma ligurinum, J. Müller (= Haliommatidium ligurinum, Haeckel, L. N. 16, p. 423) seems to be closely allied to the preceding." Page 889, line 6 from top, add "Cricoidea, Bütschli, 1882 (L. N. 40, p. 537) = NASSELLARIA." Page 951, line 9 from foot, add "Fossil in Barbados." Page 952, line 2 from foot, add "Fossil in Barbados." Page 966, line 10 from top, add "Fossil in Barbados." Page 981, line 19 from top, add "Fossil in Barbados." Page 1037, line 8 from top, add "Pl. 85, fig. 2." Page 1081, line 12 from foot, add "Pl. 95, fig. 15." Page 1158, line 10 from foot, for "516. Cyrtophormis" read "516. Cystophormis." Page 1165, lines 8, 11 and 15 from foot, for "Cyrtophormis" read "Cystophormis." Page 1165, bottom line, read "Cystophormis = bladder-basket; Kuor, popuís." Page 1166, lines 1, 7 and 13 from top, for "Cyrtophormis" read "Cystophormis." Page 1250, line 7 from top, for "Dictyoprora" read "Dictyoprona." Page 1251, line 11 from top, add "Pl. 62, fig. 3." Page 1356, line 9 from foot, add "Pl. 68, fig. 14." Page 1384, line 2 from foot, for "Calocycloma" read "Calocyclura." Page 1411, first line, add "Pl. 68, fig. 15." Page 1560, line 2 from top, add " Dictyocha trigona, Zittel, 1876 (L. N. 29, p. 83, Taf. ii. fig. 6), is an interesting Cretaceous species, perhaps a variety of Dictyocha triommata." Page 1615, line 6 from top, insert " n. sp." after "scenophora." Page 1653, line 7 from top, add "John Murray, 1876, L. N. 27, pl. 24, fig. 2," Page 1706, line 7 from foot, add "John Murray, 1876, L. N. 27, pl. 24, fig. 4." Page 1752, line 4 from bottom, for "figs. la-ld" read "figs. 1a-1c." Page 1757, line 14 from bottom, for "fig. 1" read "figs. 1-13." Page 1759, line 14 from bottom for "figs. 4a, 46" read "figs. 4, 4a.