Page:Scotland's skaith, or, The history o' Will & Jean (2).pdf/3

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WHA was ance like Willie Gairlace,
Wha in neeboring town, or farm?
Beauty's bloom ſhone in his fair face,
Deadly ſtrength was in his arm!

Wha wi? Will cou'd rin, or wreſtle?
Throw the ſledge, or toſs the bar?
Hap what wou'd, he ſtood a Caſtle
Or for ſafety, or for war.

Warm his heart, and mild as manfu'
Wi' the bauld, he bauld cou'd be;
But to friends wha had their handfu'
Purſe and ſervice aye ware free.

Whan he firſt ſaw Jeanie Miller,
Wha' wi' Jeanie cou'd compare?——
Thouſands had mair braws and filler,
But war ony half ſae fair?

Saft her ſmile raife like May morning,
Glinting owre Demaits❊brow:
Sweet! wi' opening charms adorning
STRIVLIN's lovely plain below!

❊ One of the Ochil Hills near Stirling.