Page:Scotland's skaith, or, The history o' Will & Jean (2).pdf/9

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See them now in grave convention
To mak a' things square and even
Or at leaſt wi' firm intention,
To drink ſax nights out o' ſeven

Mid this ſitting up and drinkin,
Gathering a' the news that fell;
Will, wha was nae yet paſt thinkin,
Had ſome battles wi' himſell.

On ae hand, Drink's deadly poiſon
Bare ilk firm reſolve awa;
On the ither, Jean's condition
Rave his very heart in twa.

Weel he ſaw her ſmother'd ſorrow!
Weel he ſaw her bleaching cheek!
Mark'd the ſmile ſhe ſtrove to borrow
Whan, poor thing, ſhe cou'd nae ſpeak!

Jean, at firſt, took little heed o'
Owkly clubs mang three or four,
Thought, kind ſoul ! that will had need o'
Heartſome hours whan wark was owre.

But whan now that nightly meetings
Sat and drank frae ſax till twa;
Whau the found that hard earn'd gettings
Now on drink war thrown awa.

Saw her Will wha ance ſae cheerie
Raiſe, ilk morning wi' the lark,
Now grown mauchlefs, dowſ and ſweer (illegible text)
To look near his farm or wark;