Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series - 1819.djvu/187

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their children, succeeded to their inheritance. Sir, I was six years first private gentleman of the company, and three years lance-speisade; disdaining to receive a halbert, as unbecoming my birth. Wherefore I was ultimately promoted to be a fahn-dragger, as the High Dutch call it, (which signifies an ancient) in the King's Leif Regiment of Black-Horse, and thereafter I arose to be lieutennant and ritt-master, under that invincible monarch, the bulwark of the Protestant faith, the Lion of the North, the terror of Austria, Gustavus the victorious."

"And yet, if I understand you, Captain Dalgetty,—I think that rank corresponds with your foreign title of ritt-master,——"

"The same grade preceesely," answered Dalgetty; "ritt-master signifying litterally file-leader."

"I was observing," continued Lord Menteith, "that, if I understood you right, you had left the service of this great Prince."