Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series - 1819.djvu/213

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crossing each other, formed the corps de-logis. A projecting bartizan or two, with the addition of small turrets at the angles, much resembling pepper boxes, had procured for Darnlinvarach the dignified appellation of a castle. It was surrounded by a low court-yard wall, within which were the usual and necessary offices.

As the travellers approached more nearly, they discovered marks of recent additions to the defences of the place, which had been suggested doubtless by the insecurity of these troublesome times. Additional loop-holes for musketry were struck out in different parts of the building and of its surrounding wall. The windows had been of new carefully secured by stancheons of iron, crossing each other athwart and endlong like the grates of a prison. The door of the court-yard was shut, and it was only after cautious challenge that one of its leaves was opened by two domestics, both strong Highlanders, and both under arms, like Bitias and Pandarus in the Æneid, ready