Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series - 1819.djvu/275

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promise you the other half-dollar at the end of the campaign."

"Ah! these arrearages," said Captain Dalgetty, "that are always promised, and always go for nothing! Spain, Austria, and Sweden, all sing one song. Oh! long life to the Hogan-mogans! if they were no officers or soldiers, they were good pay-masters. And yet, my lord, if I could but be made certiorated that my natural hereditament of Drumthwacket had fallen into possession of any of these loons of Covenanters, who could be, in the event of our success, made a traitor of, I have so much value for that fertile and pleasant spot, that I would e'en take on wi' you for the campaign."

"I can resolve Captain Dalgetty's question," said Sibbald, Lord Menteith's second attendant, "for if his estate of Drumthwacket be, as I conceive, the long waste moor so called, that lies five miles south of Aberdeen, I can tell him it was lately pur-