Words by T. LYLE, Surgeon, Glasgow. Air-"Bonnie Lassie, 0."
Arranged by R. A. SMITH. Key-note A.
Let us haste to Kelvin Grove, bonnie lassie, O,
Through its mazes let us rove, bonnie lassie, O;
Where the rose in all her pride,
Paints the hollow dingle side,
Where the midnight fairies glide, bonnie lassie, O.
Let us wander by the mill, bonnie lassie, O.
To the cove beside the rill, bonnie lassie, O.
Where the glens rebound the call
Of the lofty water-fall,
Through the mountain's rocky hall, bonnie lassie, O.
Though I dare not call thee mine, bonnie lassie, O,
As the smile of fortune's thine, bonnie lassie, O;
Yet was fortune on my side,
I could stay thy father's pride,
And might win thee for my bride, bonnie lassie, O.
For the frowns of fortune lower, bonnie lassie, O,
On thy lover at this hour, bonnie lassie, O;
Ere the golden orb of day
Wakes the warblers on the spray,
From this land I must away, bonnie láassie, O.
Then farewell to Kelvin Grove, bonnie lassie, O,
And adieu to all I love, bonnie lassie, O,-
To the river winding clear,
To the fragrant scented brier,
Ev'n to thee, of all most dear, bonnie lassie, O.
And when on a distant shore, bonnie lassie, O,
Should I fall, midst battle's roar, bonnie lassie, O;
Wilt thou, Ellen, when you hear
Of thy lover on his bier,
To his memory shed a tear, bonnie lassie, O.
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Key-note A.
There grows a bonnie brier bush in our kailyard,
And white are the blossoms o't in our kailyard;
Like wee bit white cockauds for our loyal Hieland lads;
And the lasses lo'e the bonnie bush in our kailyard.
But were they a' true that were far away?
Oh! were they a' true that were far awa?
They drew up wi' glaikit Englishers at Carlisle ha',
And forgot auld frien's when far awa.