Page:Scoundrel Will's advice to his sons.pdf/5

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I carly in my life began
The business world to weigh and sean,
And many a wary, cunning man
I had to cheat,
By some ingenious shift or plan,
My bills to meet.


In years when grain was raw and light,
So fozy it would scarcely dight,
I look'd around me, left and right,
As sharp's a razor,
Till I got some unskilful wight
To buy by measure.


When want of straw was nae drawback,
But in the ear I saw a lack,
I some way always had the nack
Of eoaxing fools
To buy in slump, so mueh the stack,
Grain, straw, and hools.


When markets seemed upon the fall,
I on a wealthy sot would call,
Along with friends who eould enthrall
Wi' drink the cuif,
And swear next day he bought my all,
And they were proof.


Mind, few with me can haud or draw,
Brow-beat, hoodwink, contend, or thraw;
Or if they do, away to law
At onee I travel;
For there, with lies, and tricks, and jaw,
I'll beat the devil.


I know a little lawyers' lore;
And, as I hinted at before,
In any pinch I have a core,
All cut and dry,
To swear, on every point and sore,
The greatest lie.