afterwards be given by periodical measurements, say, every three months or so.
Cards can be obtained from the "Girl Scouts" Headquarters, which, besides giving the standard measurements for the various ages, give columns to be filled in periodically, showing the girl's remeasurements and progress in development. If each girl has her card it is a great incentive to her to develop herself at odd times when she has a few minutes to spare.
Games to Develop Strength
Skipping, rowing, fencing, swimming, tennis, and hand-ball are all valuable aids to developing strength.
Remember that sitting still is one form of exercise. How can that be? Well, if you remember how you ought to sit and keep yourself up to it you will gradually strengthen the muscles of your back so that in a few weeks you will sit upright naturally without any effort or thought.
You may ask why shouldn't I sit like that if it is more comfortable. Well, do it if you like, but remember that a large part of your time is spent sitting, sitting at lessons, at meals, when reading or talking, and so on. Nearly one-third of each day you are sitting, and therefore forming yourself into one shape or the other. The thing is to form yourself into the right one.
The wrong one makes you look pretty dowdy and sloppy when you are going about, but worse than that it lets your lungs slack down and the muscles of the stomach relax, so that instead of drawing the full breath of air