erable. Jam jars or large tins tightly covered may be used.
Bring the food to boiling point on the gas cooker or kitchen range and while boiling place it at once in the box. Some foods require a certain amount of cooking previous to being placed in the Fireless Cooker. (See table below.)
Wrap the cooking utensil in newspaper, and place in the prepared nest in the Fireless Cooker.
Over this place the hay cushion and close the lid firmly. There must be no space between the cushion and the lid.
Note.—To obtain satisfactory results, pack the stew-pan as quickly and firmly as possible; this is to prevent loss of heat.
Average Time for Various Foods
Meat.—Cook for about half the usual time on the gas or kitchen range, and about four to six hours in the Fireless Cooker.
Dried Beans.—Soak overnight. Boil for 30 minutes. Allow three to four hours in the cooker.
Fresh Fruit.—Bring to boiling point and place in the cooker at once. Allow one or two hours, according to the firmness of the fruit.
Dried Fruit.—Soak overnight, bright to boiling point and put in the cooker for three to five hours.
Oatmeal.—Boil for five minutes and leave in the cooker all night.
Quaker Oats.—Bring to boiling point and leave in the cooker two hours.