But whatever you do, you must not take any reward for doing it. If you take money for it, it is not a good turn, but just a piece of work that has been paid for.
The Brownies' Smile
Brownies always smile, and if they are in difficulty, in pain, in trouble, or in danger, they don't cry, they just grin and bear it.
The Salute
When a Brownie shakes hands with another Brownie, or with a Girl Scout or Boy Scout, she does so with the left hand. That is the secret sign of brotherhood between them all.
How to Salute.
Then also as a Brownie you must understand and be able to make the salute, which is done by holding up your hand with two fingers like this:
The Salute is another sign that you are a Brownie, even though you may not be dressed in uniform, and that you recognize the person you are saluting also as a Brownie.
Investiture of a Brownie
When a girl has passed her test as a recruit she is admitted into her Eight as a Brownie, and she can then go on and pass her tests for a Second Class Brownie.
The pack is formed up in the dancing ring, and the