Brownies. They are given directions how to make their clothes but if they make them badly, well then they will be ashamed of them for the rest of their time as Brownies. So be careful to listen to all that is told you as to how you should make the things and then make them as well as you possibly can.
Of course you can do knitting either with a machine or with knitting needles by hand, but I strongly advise doing it by hand for though it is a little bit more difficult to learn at first it is much more pleasing afterwards. By being able to knit you can do good turns to other people very often indeed. All people, men and women, are glad to have warm things made for them in winter time, and by being able to knit a Brownie can lend a hand and give great happiness to other people.
Fold Clothes Neatly
A soldier or sailor on going to bed always puts his clothes neatly in some spot where he can find them readily in the dark and slip into them quickly in the case of alarm. And so also Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts do the same, because you never know when an accident may happen; the house may be on fire, or a thief may break in, and you may want your clothes suddenly in the dark. If you have them already folded in their place, you can readily find them and be quickly dressed. But if your clothes are lying all over the place it is impossible to find them in the dark. But there is another reason also for