That is the Scout Salute.
Not the best way to salute.
The three fingers held up (like the three points of a Scout Badge) remind her of her three promises in the Scout Promise.
- To do her duty to God and Country.
- To help others.
- To obey the Scout Law.
When a Scout meets another for the first time in the day, whether she is a comrade or a stranger, she salutes.
She always salutes an officer—that is a Patrol Leader or a Captain.
Also the hoisting of the Flag, the colors of a regiment, the playing of Star Spangled Banner.
When the National Anthem is played the Scouts do not salute, but merely stand at attention.
When marching in Troop or Patrol formation do not salute with the hand. When passing other Troops or a superior officer, the officer or Patrol Leader in charge alone will salute with the hand, at the same time giving the command, "Eyes right," or "Eyes left," as the case may be, on which every Scout will turn her head sharply in that direction till the officer gives the word "Eyes front."
It is more than ever necessary to hold yourself smartly when giving the salue, otherwise you would make a very slovenly show of it.