Rope ends that ravel are annoying and before working your scout rope too hard in practicing all these knots it is a good plan to whip the ends.
This is how you do it. Hold the rope end in your right hand. Take about 10 inches of twine, make a loop and lay it parallel on the rope so that the end of the twine extends about two inches beyond the end of the rope. Hold it firmly and with your left hand wind the standing part of your twine around your rope neatly up toward your right thumb. When you have bound the twine loop on to the rope for say an inch, then tuck your winding end through the loop, pull both ends of the twine, and cut them off close to the rope.
Now you are ready to work. There are two simple devices which will help you to learn the knots in the Tenderfoot test more easily, so it is well to master them first.
One is the
Overhand Knot
which is the very easiest of all to make. It is the first half of the square knot, and is a part of many other knots.
Back the end around the standing part and through the bight and draw tight.
The other is the