Léon Gambetta.
deputies of the Right were in their seats, though the members of the Left were almost all present. M. Palikao, the Minister of War, took the floor and said that in the presence of the serious news which had been received, he deemed it better not to take any action at that time, but to postpone everything until twelve o'clock of that day–it was then Sunday morning. After Palikao had made this suggestion, M. Jules Favre arose and said that he should not propose any serious opposition to that motion, but he asked leave to give notice of a proposition which he had to submit, and which he would discuss at the meeting at twelve o'clock (on Sunday). The proposition which he read was as follows:
"1. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte and his dynasty are declared fallen from the powers which the constitution has confided to them.
"2. There shall be named by the legislative body a commission vested with powers and composed of
members, and you will designate yourself the number of members who shall compose this commission, who will make it their first