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An Old Story!
But now, if he forgets the

Hand Sapolio

'The First Step Away

from self-respect is lack of care in personal cleanliness; the first move in building up a proper pride in man, woman or child is a visit to the Bath-tub. You can’t be healthy, or pretty, or even good, unless you are clean.

Would You Win Place? Be clean, both in and out. We cannot undertake the former task—that lies with yourself—but the latter we can aid with Hand Sapolio. It costs but a trifle—its use is a fine habit.
The Fame of Sapolio has reached far and wide. Everywhere, in millions of homes, there is a regard for it which cannot be shaken. Sapolio has done much for your home, but now for yourself—have you ever tried that “Dainty

Woman's Friend,” Hand Sapolio, for toilet and bath?

Hand Sapolio neither coats over the surface, nor does it go down into the pores and dissolve their necessary oils. It opens the pores, liberates their activities, but works no chemical change in those delicate juices that go to make up the charm and bloom of a healthy complexion. Test it yourself.
Why take dainty care of your mouth, and

neglect your pores, the myriad mouths of your skin? Hand Sapolio does not gloss them over, or chemically dissolve their health-giving oils, yet clears them thoroughly by a method of its own.

A five minute interview with Hand Sapolio will equal in its results hours of so-called health exercises in regard to opening the pores and promoting healthy circulation. Its use is a fine habit—it cost but a trifle.

The Entire Household Will Miss It

Probably, because it is so soft and dainty for its delicate skin. . The School-boy, because its use insures him “Perfect” marks in neatness. The “Big Sister,” because it keeps her complexion and hands soft and pretty. The busy Mother, because it keeps her hands young and pretty in spite of housework and sewing, and the Father, himself, because it helps him to leave behind the grime of daily work. Try it yourself.