Page:Scriptural Basis of Christian Unity.pdf/13

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Christ's church when we obeyed Him, and that is all I, for one, shall ever enter.

We have gone over the road to Christian unity for ourselves.

Hundreds of thousands are Scripturally united with Christ, without denominational affiliation, having abandoned the unscriptural parties in the church, and rejoice in the freedom we have in Christ. Why should we go back to some way-station passed long ago simply to get in the company of others seeking the trail in which we have been traveling? We can encourage them on the way from where we are and welcome them when they arrive.

What may we hope to gain by becoming a part of this proposed union? Has it any truth not in our Bible? Can we be more loyal to Christ in a faction than in the church He built? Must we enter to be saved or be damned if we stay out? These are pertinent questions.

So far as I can see, the only advantage claimed is that we shall be sufficiently like others that their hostile criticism will be reduced to the vanishing-point. Even friction can not be removed by the scheme. Friction arises in men's hearts, and is as evident in the ranks of the most highly organized denominations as among free churches of Christ.

"It is the only way to secure union," we are told.

Even so, will the Lord love us more for compromising with His commandments, altering or ignoring some of them, to bring all into one big union, than He will for remaining loyal to Him, and Him alone?

Personally, I prefer to stand alone with