Page:Scriptural Basis of Christian Unity.pdf/15

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responsibility, he is of no particular account to his party. Denominational affiliation is the sugarcoating on the pill of disloyalty to conviction.

Those entering by primary obedience are received on their own terms. Such organizations, not daring to stress loyalty to Christ and the New Testament, must find an outlet for their religion in social service. Deeper than this they can not go. They cease to be churches of Christ, and, at best, are nothing but altruistic clubs.

We hear of one such church that has Jews, Mormons and Catholics in its membership. As well include Mohammedans, Buddhists, Lenine and Trotsky. It requires no seventh son to foresee the disintegration of a church with no more real religious conviction than is necessary to membership therein.

For a score of years, churches of Christ have been exposed to a sort of theological itch, euphoniously called "open membership."

Most congregations keep disinfected by constant applications of divine truth. An occasional one, however, so unfortunate as to lose its Bible, or so dimmed in spiritual vision as to be compelled to read through higher-critic glasses, becomes a victim of the pesky parasite. The only remedy is to "dig," and apply New Testament doctrine lavishly—never-failing cure.

Brethren afflicted with the malady argue that these practicing affusion for baptism are sincere, and therefore should be received into full fellowship. Some only ask that they be admitted to the vestibule at first, postponing full membership rights till the