Page:Scriptural Basis of Christian Unity.pdf/8

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that the essentials of Christian unity in the early church have herein been set forth.

Let us next turn to a practical application of these truths to the religious situation we face to-day.

The divided state of Christendom must grieve the heart of our Lord, and should bring a blush of shame to the face of every one who is in any degree responsible for its continuance.

The flock of Christ is scattered throughout a couple of hundred denominational bodies, each of which is more or less bigoted, prejudiced, arrogant, or heedless of the authority of Christ.

Godly men, heart-sick because of this unholy situation, have set themselves to the task of uniting these scattered sheep.

Ambitious men, anxious for personal preeminence, or an opportunity to shear the flock, have set themselves to the same task, with less worthy motives. As a result, we are confronted to-day by at least a score of schemes for reuniting Christians, each of which has its own peculiar aim or end. Some have much to commend them, others little.

Religious hucksters are offering many patented brands of Christian union, guaranteed by the vendor to heal the open sore of Protestantism.

Good people are sampling the remedies, some approving this because they like its flavor, others recommending that because they think it may be a palliative.

But why experiment with quack nostrums when the great Physician Himself has left a prescription both preventive and curative?

The writer is grateful for this opportu-