Page:Secret writing in Siamese - Frankfurter - 1906.pdf/9

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[ 9 ]

" ไทยนับสาม "
(๑) ส้เขรเออสเยดเอศุงถภสาลอัรงก
(๑) ขอแถลงแสดงสารสร้อย ศุภอัก.
" ไทยนับห้า "
(๑) ว้รขรอัโธบงกดรวไษยทร
(๑) อักษรธรทรงไว้ โดยขบวน.

As a touch of nature makes all people kin, we may mention that the worst feature of school boys' language, the back slang, is also met with in Siam. The syllable ซ่อ is added to the sentence and thus we may hear

ไปหนอไซ่ อยู่บ้อซ่าน ตื่นนอแล้วซ่อน
ไปไหนซ่อ อยู่บ้านซ่อ ตื่นนอนแล้วซ่อ
for ไปไหน for อยู่บ้าน for ตื่นนอนแล้ว

It is known that in some instances we find in Indian Mss. numerals expressed by words, i.e. instead of writing the numerals themselves, words are written which are supposed to have this meaning. Cpr: Burnell, A.C.: Elements of South Indian Palaeography. London, 1878. pg. 77. Thus for "1" we find the word for sum aditya, for 2 the word for moon candr. The numeral words are combined in the Mss. without indicating by any outward sign that they represent numbers. In writing these numbers one commences with the unit, then follows the decimal, then the hundreds etc., so that for instance the words which compose the figures 6321 would be written as 1236. It need not be pointed out that to the numerous other difficulties for a proper chronology, another is added by this cumbersome method, which may to a certain extent be compared to the chronograms in use in Europe since the sixteenth century, and in Persia and Arabia since the 9th century.

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