Page:Secrets of Crewe House.djvu/287

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no allegations that Belgian civilians acted against military law or imposed authority shall be taken into consideration. The future international status of Belgium shall be settled in accordance with the wishes of the Belgian nation.

"2. The freeing of French territory, reconstruction of the invaded provinces, compensation for all civilian losses and injuries.

"3. The restoration to France of Alsace-Lorraine, not as a territorial acquisition or part of a war indemnity, but as reparation for the wrong done in 1871, when the inhabitants of the two Provinces, whose ancestors voluntarily chose French allegiance, were incorporated in Germany against their will.

"4. Readjustment of the Northern frontiers of Italy as nearly as possible along the lines of nationality.

"5. The assurance to all the peoples of Austria-Hungary of their place amongst the free nations of the world and of their right to enter into union with their kindred beyond the present boundaries of Austria-Hungary.

"6. The evacuation of all Territory formerly included in the boundaries of the Russian Empire, the annulment of all treaties,