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Leaflet No. 13 (between pages 144 and 146).


The upper map is entitled "Pan-German Dream," the wording under it being as follows:

"Our rulers went to war because they hoped to found a gigantic empire for the Kaiser and the Junkers. All the territories shaded in on the above map were to be their realm. It would have meant the subjection of half the world under the German sword."—Vorwärts, Oct. 11, 1918.

The lower map is entitled "The Awakening of the German People." Under it is the following inscription:

This is how Germany looks to-day. Her allies can give no further aid. What the Kaiser calls "his heritage from God" will soon be smaller than it was at the beginning of the war. But the German people will be the better for it. They will have escaped from autocracy and militarism. Freedom at last!

Leaflet No. 14 (between pages 144 and 145).


The Summons to Unity.

The picture on the left is headed "The Ideal" and represents "The Assembly." On its right is the following parody, entitled "Paradise Lost," on Goethe's "Faust":


"Gretchen, how different thou wast!"—(Goethe—"Faust.")

Germany, how different thou wast before the war
Brought about by thy lust of conquest.
With self-assurance thou wentst from triumph to triumph
And reached the summit of thy power
Untouched, with ample possessions
In earthly goods, in fame and world renown
Thou hadst all mankind can crave,
In high respect regarded, if not beloved.

But now what disgust, what horror
The mere name of Germany excites!
There is deep mourning for thy vanished happiness,
Thy honour lost, thy peace of mind destroyed!
Thou liest parted by the iron wall
Which thy crime has built between us
Fast fettered to thy false ideal
And all thy former glory gone!