Page:Select portions of Psalms and hymns.pdf/11

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is no cause to complain of want of skilfulness in the choir, there is a custom, either for the sake of variety, or for the less laudable purpose of display, of introducing tunes which are lamentably deficient in devotional expression. “In Church musick” says the judicious Hooker “curiosity and ostentation of art, light or unsuitable harmony, such as only pleaseth the ear and doth not naturally serve to the very kind and degree of those impressions, which the matter that goeth before leaveth, or ought to leave on men’s minds, doth rather blemish or disgrace that we do than add either beauty or furtherance unto it.” Much however as it is to be desired that the tunes should be solemn and adapted as far as possible to the sense, yet the proper object of Psalmody will not be attained, unless they are likewise so plain and easy as to enable the congregation to bear their part in them; for the Choir in a parish Church is not intended to confine within itself the privilege of holy song, but to lead