Page:Selected letters of Mendelssohn 1894.djvu/74

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Milan, 14th July, 1831.

In the evenings I was always in society, owing to a mad idea of mine, which, like some others, succeeded admirably. I believe I have discovered this sort of eccentricity, and must take out a patent for it, for I have always made the most charming acquaintances, without letters, introductions, or anything of the sort. On arriving I chanced to ask the names of the officers commanding in the garrison, and among those of various generals occurred General Ertmann’s. This recalled to me Beethoven’s sonata in A major and its dedication. And as I had heard from everybody the most charming accounts of Frau Ertmann, who is said to have fascinated Beethoven, and to be an exquisite pianist, I attired myself in a frock-coat at the proper hour for visiting, inquired my way to the palace, and, composing a fine speech for Madame General en route, went boldly to call on her.

It is not to be denied that I was alarmed on hearing that the general resided on the first floor in the front, and as I reached the magnificent vaulted vestibule, I felt in a perfect panic, and would gladly have