Page:Selected letters of Mendelssohn 1894.djvu/95

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the girls handed the men cherry brandy and schnaps; the bottles passed round from hand to hand, and I drank with the company. Then I treated three little children to cakes, and made them very happy. An old peasant who was extremely drunk sang me several songs; then they all sang, and my guide gave us quite a modern song in the finest of styles, and presently two small boys began to fight. Everything seemed delightful on that mountain. I lay on the grass till towards evening, and made myself at home. Then we went leaping down to the meadows, and soon came in sight of our well-known inn with its windows flashing in the sunset. A fresh wind blew from the glaciers and cooled us. Now it is late, and from time to time one hears the avalanches. That was my Sunday; it was a festival indeed!