Tuirn son of Torna
When we used to go to the gathering with Echu's[1]
Yellow as a bright primrose was the hair upon the
head of Cairenn's[2] son.
Well hast thou spoken, dear son. A bondmaid
should be given thee
For the sake of the hair which thou hast likened
to the colour of the crown of the primrose.
Eyelashes black, delicate, equal in beauty, and
dark eyebrows—
The crown of the woad, a bright hyacinth, that
was the colour of his pupils.
Tuirn son of Torna
The colour of his cheeks at all seasons, even and
The fox-glove, the blood of a calf—a feast without
a flaw! the crown of the forest in May.
His white teeth, his red lips that never reproved in
His shape like a fiery blaze overtopping the
warriors of Erin.