1. That then is the new Uganda as we invisage it and what we propose to do to bring it about. But it is the people themselves, you and I and he and she, who can determine all this. If you take part in solving problems of your destiny you will be able to achieve these things. Hence the need of decentralising power and spreading it to the people themselves. It is this which has done wonders in others countries.
2. We wish to appeal to our people to develop the spirit of love of country, which alone is the first requirement, and not to think of themselves first and what they can get. The true test is not what you can get out of your country but what you can give to it. That is what has made other countries great. But here in Uganda, people are often heard saying that so and so joined such and such a party or is doing public service because he wants to become the Katikkiro or a big chief. That is the wrong attitude altogether to take. We must join public service because we want to serve our country and people; because we want to give some of the gifts which God has given to us back to Him through service to our fellowmen, to whom in turn we owe so much for our existence. Our existence is interdependent. We exist as a result of the work of other people. We need to do the same to them. The more we are given the more is required of us.
We want those who are prepared to serve their country and their fellowmen. If it is necessary for some people to get into important positions let it be because these important positions offer greater opportunities of service; let no one aspire to such positions for gain.
3. In ending we wish to emphasize that this, the contents of this memorandum, is what we of the Progressive Party have to of fir to the country if we are voted into power; it is our set policy. Such ideals cannot be realised by any party unless it is in power, and no party can get into power unless all the people who hold the same beliefs of ideals support it.
After reading this memorandum, if you find that what it has to offer is what you would like this country to have, your first duty is to join the Progressive Party at once and add to its strength to determine the acquisition of these things. The Party depends on yur support, and your support means that Uganda gets the government of its own choice, gets more schools for