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Page:Self-Government for Uganda An African State Manifesto by the Progressive Party.djvu/7

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The Progressive Party's policy is to get Self-Government for Uganda as soon as possible.

However, to achieve Self-government the Progressive Party requires your full support- the very active support of every man, woman and child in Uganda. With the co-operation of everybody this Party will remove the burden of colonial rule, throw off foreign economic exploitation and replace them with the Government of the people by the people for the people.

Therefore, the people of Uganda must come along now with the Progressive Party into freedom, liberty and democratic Self- Government.

When a country is not free its people cannot plan their economic, political nor social life. The P.P. demands Self-government for Uganda so that we can plan our Economic development, Social Services and the People's general welfare. Here are the elements of our plan under a Self-governing Uganda.


(i) FARMERS :-

Farming is Uganda's most important Industry. It will be so for a long time to come. The P.P. Government will, therefore, encourage and help the farmer to sell his crop on the open world market where he will receive higher prices. As an immediate measure, we will demand elected representatives on the Marketing Boards before they are abolished and some under-studies to the Commissioner on Special Duty who will accompany him wherever he goes to negotiate prices etc. With more money the farmer will be able to purchase agricultural machinery and so produce even more food and other crops for Uganda and the world markets. The farmer will be encouraged to grow more coffee, cotton, tea, mangoes, tobacco, pyrethrum, maize, millet,nuts,matoke, potatoes, wheat, rice, oranges, sugar-canes, cocoa and any other crops that the soil and climate of Uganda can produce.

In any bad years in which world prices drop the P.P. Government will subsidize the farmer on the basis of his total product.