G. F. Cooper
S. C. Robbins
Cooper & Robbins
Leading Jewelers
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Fancy China
Special Attention given to Watch and Jewelry Repairing. All Work Guaranteed.
Ralph Cook on time.
Sam Dolen with his hair cut.
The girls’ rats.
Harvey Farmer behave at a class meeting.
Minnie Cooper before the foot-lights.
Mr. Armstrong mad.
The Basket ball team wearing tokens of victory.
Lewis Hadley have a girl.
Cora Ferguson control her temper.
Hazel Bray with a circus.
Walter Richardson as a public speaker.
Nelle Reed still.
Paul Stokesberry dance a jig.
The deportment grades higher than fifty.
George Cook work.
Norris Dolen without Harry Hadley,
Pearl Cosand with “money.”
Chester Stayton be dignified.
Mr. Payne taking a joke.