Why not trade at
T. H. Britton’s
Cash Grocery
A nice line of Candies, Dishes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Fresh and Salt Meats
Goods Delivered Promptly Telephone No. 106
When in need of any barber work, step into
Parr’s Tonsorial Parlors
and receive the best attention. We appreciate your patronage very highly
R. A. Parr, Proprietor
Wanted—A box of powder. Hazel Bray
Wanted—More ice to steal. Harvey Farmer and Edith Nelson.
Lost—Roberts Rules of order. Sam Dolen
Lost, Strayed or Stolen—A small pony answering the name of “Cæsar”. Return to Hal Jessup. Reward.
Found—The latest things in caps. Warranted not to tip or come off in the presence of ladies. M. H. S. Boys
Lost—My love for Ellsworth. Cora.
Lost—My Danville letters. Hazel Bray.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen—A valuable “stone.” Reward. Helen Clark
Lost—A “farmer.” Mary Kersey
Lost—All our rights. Students.
Lost—Our reputation. Basket ball Team.
Here is one who is a dandy,
The girls all call him “candy
Very handsome he does look
His latest name is Capt. Cook.
More Freshman History:
“The difference between tragedy and comedy was a difference in their writing and their language the way they worsheped.”