Page:Senior Annual, Mooresville High School, 1909.pdf/55

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Otto E. Rooker

Shoes, Hats and Men’s Furnishings

H. C. Hadley

E. S. Chaffee

Hadley & Chaffee

Students’ Friends

Lunch Counter and Ice Cream Parlors

Fine Candies, Cigars and Smokers’ Supplies. Special rates on Cream for Parties. See us before placing an order or call Telephone No. 12

Oct. 8— My! Such cramming for exams.
9— Harvey Farmer tries to buy original problems with his Bryan dollar.
12— Mr. Payne entered into holy bonds of matrimony, Saturday.
13— Just say “Indian” to a Senior.
14— Fred Keller persistently loiters through the lower hall.
15— Miss Newman sits in the principal’s chair.
16— Why all the long faces? Oh! Cards are out.
19— A cheery crowd and a cheering crowd greeted the first foot-ball game of the season.
20— R. D. Smith, of Gas City, makes us a call.
21— Seniors have a call meeting, and decide they shall be editors of the first annual of M. H. S.
22— Sophomore class meeting. Such a racket!
23— Miss Newman (Physics): “Be careful, Mr. Cook.” Too late. George has illustrated to perfection the experiment in “pressure of fluids.”
26— The results of “Labor Day” were quite satisfactory.
27— Miss Linderman must be fond of “Marching Through Georgia.”
28— Harvey F. and Mary K. are still quite intimate.
29— Seniors sweating under the yoke of seventy-five original problems in Geometry.
30— The Jolly Juniors report the time of their life at a chicken roast chaperoned by all the single lady teachers.