Page:Serious thoughts for the living.pdf/12

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Fools accounted their life madness, and their end to be without honour; but they are numbered among the children of GOD, and their lot, their diſtinguiſhed and eternal lot, is among the saints! However, therefore, an undiscerning world may diſpise, and a profane world vilify, the truly religious; be this the supreme, the invariable deſire of my heart! "Let me live the life, and die the death, of the righteous. Oh! let my latter end, and future ſtate, be like theirs."

The only infallible way of immortalizing our characters, a way equally open to the meaneſt and moſt exalted fortune, is "to make our calling and election ſure;" to gain ſome ſweet evidence, that our names are written in heaven. Then, however they may be diſregarded or forgotten among men, they will not fail to be had in everlaſting remembrance, before the Lord.——This is, of all diſtinctions, far, the nobleſt; this will iſſue in never-dying renown. Ambition, be this thy object, and every page of ſcripture will ſanctify thy paſſion; even grace itſelf will fan thy flame.—As to earthly memorials, yet a little while, and they are all obliterated. The tongue of thoſe, whoſe, happineſs we have zealouſly promoted, muſt ſoon be ſilent in the coffin. Characters cut with a pen of iron, and committed to the ſolid rock, will, ere long,