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(illegible text)e ſpeechleſs with guilt, and ſtigmatized with infamy before all the armies of the ſky and all the nations of the redeemed.—

How muſt the wretches ſcream with wild amazement, and rend the very heavens with their cries, when the right-aiming thunder bolts go abroad! abroad with a dreadful admiſſion, to drive them from the kingdom of glory; and plunge them,——not into the (illegible text)rrows of a moment, or the tortures of an hour,—but into all the reſtleſs agonies of unquenchable fire, and everlaſting deſpair.

Miſery of miſeries! too ſhocking for reflection to dwell upon. But, if ſo diſmal to (illegible text)reſee, and that at a diſtance, together with some comfortable expectation of eſcaping it.—O! how bitter, inconceivably bitter, to hear, without any intermiſſion, or any mitigation, through hopeleſs and eternal ages.

Wonder, O man; be loſt in admiration, of thoſe prodigious events which are coming upon the univerſe: events, the greatneſs of which nothing finite can meaſure; ſuch as will cauſe whatever is conſiderable or momentous in the annals of all generations, to sink into littleneſs and nothing. Events of Jesus, prepare us for their approach! demand us, when they take place!) big with the overlaſting fates of all the living, and all the dead.—I muſt ſee the graves cleaving, the (illegible text)a teeming, and ſwarms unſuſpected, crowds unnumbered, yea multitudes of thronging (illegible text)ations, riſing from both.——I muſt ſee the